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Bringing Baby Home

When You Receive Your Puppy


Upon getting a new puppy people tend to want to take their puppy straight to a pet supply store. We DO NOT recommend this. Matter of fact we do not recommend the puppy being where other (unknown) dogs have been at all for the first few weeks that you have the puppy. Your puppy will have the first three sets of shots when you receive it but shots are preventatives not guarantees. We like to use this example. Your child gets a flu shot. You still try to avoid locations known for the flu. Taking your puppy to a pet supply store with all of the other dogs would like taking your child to Walmart and tell him to lick the handle of the shopping cart to see if his flu shot really works. Dogs carry diseases and people carry dog diseases on their hands, clothing and shoes. You do not know what type of environment that their puppy came from or if it has had shots but people tend to go straight to the same pet supply store and share all of the germs and diseases. For the safety of your puppy we DO NOT recommend this. Also, refrain from going to dog parks with your new puppy--this is the same type of situation.


Sometimes a new environment could result in loss of appetite in your new addition. We suggest purchasing a can of chicken from the grocery store to have on hand. (This would be the type that you would consume.) The chicken will only be used in case the puppy does not want to eat dry food. Mix 1 tablespoon of the chicken with the dry food until the dog retrieves his/her appetite. Gradually decrease the amount daily until the puppy is back to normal, dry dog food. DO NOT ADD CHICKEN IF THE PUPPY IS EATING DRY KIBBLE with no reservations. We like to say that this is like adding sugar to a kiddo’s cereal. If they ever try it that way they will like it and will want it every time.

can of chicken.png


Your puppy is used to having Purina Puppy Chow Complete out in a self-feeding feeder 24/7. In the early, growing stages of a puppy’s life we do not feel that they can eat too much. Your home will be a different situation, though. Please talk with your vet.


Our babies have access to a “doggy door” to go out and potty when they need to do so. Your home probably will not have that. Therefore, you will need to set up a routine based on the advice of your vet. He/she will advise you to the amount to feed and usually ask that you feed your puppy one time in the morning and one time in the evening.


After receiving your pickup/delivery details from us you will want to go ahead and book the vet appointment for your new addition. As of Jan.1, 2017 Pocket Beagles USA will no longer accept Banfield/PetSmart Vet Check-ups as validation of our health agreement. If your vet finds a life-altering, congenital defect in your puppy at the time of the 48-hour health validation check-up contact Pocket Beagles USA immediately. Pocket Beagles USA will neither be responsible for any vet expenses incurred by the puppy nor pay for the cost of any medications unless prior agreement is made. Pocket Beagles USA will not Refund Money.


If traveling you will need to bring your own food for your new addition.



Your baby is used to sleeping on a crate liner for its bed. These beds are very easy to find, are durable, and are machine washable. They can be found at any of your pet supply stores, Wal-Mart, Target and etc. Price varies per location but quality usually does not. We have found most all are made of about the same quality if purchased at a major pet supply store, Wal-Mart or Target. (Dollar General/Dollar Stores do not tend to last as long.)




If you are picking up your puppy, flying into DFW and having the puppy delivered to you, or having it delivered to you at another location then you will need to bring your own carrier for transport after you receive the puppy. Our carrier will remain with us or our driver. The cost of the carrier is not included in the purchase price of the puppy.


We recommend that you place a pee pee pad in the bottom of the carrier that you bring and top the pad off with shredded paper towels. We also recommend bringing a 1 gallon Ziploc baggy (or two). This will allow you to turn the Ziploc wrong side out on your hand, reach in to remove any soiled paper towels, and remove your hand while turning the bag right side out. Then, you can zip it up and discard. Extra paper towels to shred to put back in the carrier is a nice to have as well.


The carrier pictured below is NOT the type of carrier that you need if you are flying with your puppy in the cabin with you. You will need an airline approved soft sided carrier.




Please Do Not Lose

Your Puppy's Shot Records


There will be a $45 service charge for the resending of Lost  Medical Records.  New documentation will not be provided only the dates and medications will be sent over in an email.


The Following Will be Emailed to You:


*Shot Record

*Deworming Schedule

*Internal Parasite Preventative Schedule

*Certificate of Health

*Fecal Exam Documentation





Helpful Puppy Planning Offered By Purina







© 1997 All Contents are the Property of Pocket Beagles USA.  Contents including but not limited to written text and photos may not be reproduced without the written consent of Pocket Beagles USA. Pocket Beagles USA reserves the right to refuse to sell a puppy to anyone that they deem is not a suitable fit for the puppy. Pocket Beagles USA is neither affiliated with Queen Elizabeth Pocket Beagles nor do we condone their practices. Pocket Beagles USA cannot guarantee the adult size, color, bite or temperament  of puppies purchased from Pocket Beagles USA.


Located 90 miles North of Dallas, TX



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